Planning for Emergent Curriculum: Capturing Seasonal Events


Have you ever heard “Emergent curriculum is easy– just follow the children’s interest!”? Did you want to scream? Yeah, us too. 

Enter: Planning for Emergent Curriculum: Capturing Seasonal Events. Look, the reality is that an emergent curriculum is far from easy and takes a great deal of work. This workbook makes emergent curriculum easier!  

We offer two ways of exploring and planning for the emergent curriculum approach in your nature-based program. Whether you are an organized list maker or a messy creative, there is a template to guide you through identifying local, seasonal events in nature and your community. The workbook then provides a framework for brainstorming experiences and materials that could be included in the classroom (Inside, Outside, or Beyond) to build on children’s interests. In the end you will have a library of ideas that you can draw from when you’re planning based on the children’s current interests and goals. 

Why seasonal events? Because when children are outside having experiences every day their interests will be rooted in the seasons. The seasons are predictable from year to year. That means we can plan ahead for an emergent curriculum–making the approach easier! 

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